preaching on the suffering of war


“The Iraq War will surely go down in history as an embarrassment to the Christian church. Zealous Christian preachers promoted the cause from their pulpits, urging the nation to engage in a preemptive strike against a country presumed to have the capacity to eventually wage nuclear war. What troubles me most is that many of those warmongering sermons made little or no reference to Jesus, the one who taught us to love our enemies. Further, as Charles Marsh argues convincingly in his book Wayward Christian Soldiers, Christians from around the world vigorously appealed to keep our nation from this action. The recent release of classified documents only adds to my distress. I urge preachers to take this new preaching project seriously.”

~ Ervin R. Stutzman, Executive Director, Mennonite Church USA

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If you’re a preacher, please consider participating. If you’re not, please forward the invitation to a pastor near you!

Comments (2)

  1. TimN


    Great to see the organizing work you’re doing. Please keep us up to date about the responses you get…

  2. Josiah Garber

    Agreed. Let’s hope the Iraq war ends soon.

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