For the last couple years, I and others been working to organize a training for new CPTers in Europe. Earlier this year we announced that we had enough applicants to move ahead with a CPT training for new corps members in London in October. This week, we are on the brink of having to cancel that training due to lack of participants. In this final push for trainees, we are opening it up to those of you in North America (or others outside Europe) who might be interested in traveling to London for the month long training from October 1st through October 31st. Aside from the transportation costs to get there, all other costs would be covered including room and board.
To read more about the training visit the Christian Peacemaker Teams UK site. All applicants are required to have gone on a CPT delegation. The good news is that there is a CPT Aboriginal Justice delegation in Ontario, Canada in August that you could go on in time to participate in the October training. The fund raising expectation is only US$425, much lower then the delegation to Colombis, Iraq and Israel/Palestine.