Well, to start off I actually only found this sight a couple days ago. My father said someone recommended it to him, and being the online blog/facebook person I am, he told me about it. So here I am.
Currently I am 17 (birthday was yesterday actually!), and am an MK (missionary kid) which I absolutely LOVE! Two years after I was born our family moved to Swaziland, Southern Africa for a 6 year term with MCC. At the end of that term we lived in Harrisonburg VA for 2 years while my parents went through seminary and then headed off on another 6 year term with MCC, this time to Philippines. I feel I have been really blessed by God for this experience to live and travel in other countries. It has given me a large world view, one that has really helped me see things in perspective. I really love getting into discussions with others who have had similar experiences as I, and just sharing the knowledge and culture I have attained as well as always learning new things.
I was extremely happy to see a blog like this where people, specifically Anabaptists, can share their convictions and thoughts and discuss them. As I said above, I love discussion about world issues and peace and I think they are extremely important in the world we live in today. Being the son of a firm Anabaptist (my dad has done lots of peace work around S.E. Asia) has really helped me come to understand what Jesus calls us to be. I always try and aspire to be like Jesus, but I’ll admit that it is hard a lot of the time. I am always learning, as are we all, and I think that as we all learn we can support, criticize (healthily), encourage, and discuss issues that are at hand. This will help us better understand our world and the issues facing us in it, and encourage us all to live as Jesus calls us to live.
On a more personal note, I know at least one other author on here, Angie Lederach who was briefly in the Philippines with us. And I haven’t reviewed more authors names but I wouldn’t be surprised if I know more of you! So if you know me, or know about me, speak up! Its great to see a familiar face… er.. read a familiar name!
Hope you all have a great new year!
Hey Solomon!
I’m pretty new here as well, but I thought I’d say welcome anyway. I’m also a world traveler, although my traveling was as a military kid. That means that I didn’t grow up Anabaptist, but hey, nobody’s perfect. As penance, I start grad school in Harrisonburg in the fall, which I’m actually pretty excited about. Since I’d like to end up doing international peace/pastoral work with MCC some day, I’d love to hear some about what your parents are doing or have done in the past. Are you still in the Philippines?
Hey Sean, thanks for replying! I’m not sure if you know the term TCK (Third Culture Kid). If not, it is usually kids who grow up or have lived a great deal away from their passport country, specifically overseas. And even though you are not an MK, and grown up Anabaptist, we are both TCK’s which is so cool! Although I never had friends who grew up military kids, many of them have had military connections. So yea, just cause you didn’t grow up anabaptist doesn’t mean your input isn’t valued!
No, I am not still in the Philippines, we moved back this summer. I miss it a lot but know that I will make sure my work in the future involves work in Southern or Eastern Africa. Thanks agian for saying hi!
Hey Solomon and Sean! I’ll bet you – Solomon – don’t have a problem with being around too many people with the same name!
I don’t know if there are any “old” people like me who post here, but I had to: I am delighted to read that you LOVE being an MK! That’s so refreshing – as is the joy that you express in being privileged to live in other cultures. Let me tell you – if you can appreciate where you are, who you are, at this stage of the game, you are waaay ahead of the game. I know you’ll keep focused on learning, educating yourself as you relate to all the people you meet – whether it’s here in the Burg or the furtherest corner from nowhere. I hope you keep blogging – I’d love to read more from both of you.
And who knows – we may run into each other: I live up a hill, down another hill, and around the corner from EMU.