Anabaptist Geek Comic strip of the Year: Parade of ever fancier toys

I’m not sure if I’ve ever posted a cartoon on YAR before, but today’s xkcd 3 panel brought together a rare combination of critique in the spirit of Anabaptism and geek cynicism (not to be confused with Diogenes).

Anabaptist Droid comic


For those non-geeks among you, the Droid is Motorola’s latest cell phone response to Apple’s I-phone. App is slang for applications that run on those two phones. Oh, and Diogenes was a Greek who founded the Cynic school of philosophy. He lived in a tub.

In Other News

Maple City Health Care Clinic wins the Anabaptist clinic of the year award. From the NPR story:

Last fall, when the unemployment rate in Elkhart County, Indiana, topped 10 percent, clinic workers began noticing that patients weren’t showing up for appointments. Turns out they couldn’t even come up with a few bucks for an office visit.

So James Gingrich, the clinic’s medical director, decided to tap his patients’ skills and resources instead. The clinic began offering $10 an hour toward health care if a patient volunteered at another non-profit organization.

Lord of the Rings and Star Wars geek honey pot

Comments (6)

  1. Skylark

    I heard the NPR story while I was driving to work the other day, too, and I said aloud, “I wish I could pay for my teeth cleaning that way.”

    $10/hour tax free is a far sight better than $10/hour before taxes, too.

  2. AlanS

    a) nice comic. preach it.

    b) believe it or not, Mennonites are actually cutting edge every now and then. I stumbled upon this Christian Century article recently talking about MCUSA’s new health car plan; the Corinthian Plan. It’s not perfect, but it’s a concrete move by a large institution in a world that likes to argue and never get anything done.

    (Now, I’m a humble Mennonite so I’m not supposed to feel proud so…….happy and inspired will just have to do)

  3. ST

    alan s; that’s hilarious. yes, happy and inspired will have to do. rock on.

    i was inspired by the way mennos are working together in mission in burkina faso last week. it’s really an approach that rebuffs imperialism and is indigenized as well as appreciating the gifts that global northern churches can bring to the table.

  4. Jason Barr

    I’ve read the comic, I follow XKCD fairly avidly, but I noticed the link is to the site’s front page. Might it be a good idea to edit it and point it towards that particular comic’s permalink?

  5. TimN (Post author)

    Thanks Jason, good point, I changed the link. While I was there, I came across this geeky tribute to Narnia. Ah, geek humor.

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